American Journal of Medical and Clinical Sciences. 2017;
doi: 10.5455/ajrms281645
Role of melatonin in ameliorating cytotoxic effect of gold nanoparticles on the pulmonary alveoli of adult albino rats
Ehab Mostafa Elzawawy, Abeer Gaber Ahmed
Objective: In the present study we examined the possible histological alterations in the pulmonary alveoli after administration of 10 nm AuNPs in an attempt to understand the toxicity of AuNPs and the possible protective effect of concomitant administration of melatonin.
Material & methods: 30 healthy adult male albino rats were used. They were divided into 3 groups; control group (10 animals), AuNPs group: 10 animals treated with 4 mg/kg of 10 nm AuNPs once daily for 7 consecutive days and AuNPs+ melatonin group: 10 rats treated with 4 mg/kg of 10 nm AuNPs and 10 mg/kg melatonin at the same time once daily for 7 consecutive days.
Results: Exposure to AuNPs induced alterations in the pulmonary alveoli which were summarized mainly as destruction of type 1 and type 2 pneumocytes, thick interalveolar septa due to cellular infiltration. There was mild affection of pulmonary alveoli in the AuNPs+ melatonin group; few alveoli appeared slightly collapsed, separated by slightly thickened interalveolar septa due to mild cellular infiltration.
Conclusion: AuNPs induced evident damage in rat pulmonary alveoli. Melatonin significantly ameliorated the alveolar damage.