Clinical Profile and Risk Factors of Adult Patients with Deep Vein Thrombosis in a Tertiary Hospital
Margaret C. Encarnacion, Julie Christie G. Visperas.
Objectives: To determine the Clinical Profile of Adult Patients with Deep Vein Thrombosis in University of Santo Tomas Hospital from October 2015- June 2017.
Methods: Retrospective cross sectional study was done. All adult patients who underwent venous duplex ultrasonography in the University of Santo Tomas Hospital from October 2015- June 2017 were identified and their data retrieved using the Heart Station computer database.
Results: Out of the 290 patients, 45 (15.5%; 95%CI: 11.5 – 20.2%) were positive for DVT. Age (p=0.694) and gender (p=0.494) did not differ among those with and without DVT. The highest incidence is among those in the age range of 61-80 years old. The trend increased according to age up to 80 years old, beyond which there is a noted decline. The following were identified as significant risk factors in DVT: history of DVT (p<0.001), malignancy (p<0.001), recent surgery (p 0.02), oral contraceptive use (p 0.018) and bedridden state (p<0.001). Edema was the most common presentation.
Conclusion: Among those who underwent venous duplex ultrasound of the lower extremities, 15% of the population had findings consistent with DVT, the mean age is 62.6 years old. In this study, we concluded that the most significant risk factors include malignancy, bedridden state, OCP use and recent surgery.